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Unplugged Effectiveness

  • Vigna-Taglianti FD, Martorana M, Viola E, Renna M, Vadrucci S, Sciutto A, Andrà C, Mehanović E, Ginechesi M, Vullo C, Ceccano A, Casella P, Faggiano F, and the GAPUnplugged Coordination Group. Evaluation of effectiveness of the Unplugged program on gambling behaviours among adolescents: study protocol of the experimental controlled study “GAPUnplugged”. Journal of Prevention 2024.
  • Vigna-Taglianti F, Galanti MR, Burkhart G, Caria MP, Vadrucci S, Faggiano F, for the EU-Dap Study Group. Unplugged, a European school-based program for substance use prevention among adolescents: Overview of results from the EU-Dap trial. New Directions for Youth Development 2014; 141: 67-82.
  • Giannotta F, Vigna-Taglianti F, Galanti MR, Scatigna M, Faggiano F. Short-Term Mediating Factors of a School-Based Intervention to Prevent Youth Substance Use in Europe. Journal of Adolescent Health 2014; 54 (5): 565-573.
  • Caria MP, Faggiano F, Bellocco R, Galanti MR. The influence of socioeconomic environment on the effectiveness of alcohol prevention among European students: a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health 2011; 11 (312).
  • Caria MP, Faggiano F, Bellocco R, Galanti MR, and the EU-Dap Study Group. Effects of a School-based Prevention Program on European Adolescents’ Patterns of Alcohol Use. Journal of Adolescent Health 2011; 48 (2): 182-188.
  • Faggiano F, Vigna-Taglianti F, Burkhart G, Bohrn K, Cuomo GL, Gregori D, Panella M, Scatigna M, Siliquini R, Varona L, Van Der Kreeft P, Vassara M, Wiborg G, Galanti MR, and the EU-Dap Study Group. The effectiveness of a school-based substance abuse prevention program: 18-Month follow-up of the EU-Dap cluster randomized controlled trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2010; 108 (1-2): 56-64.
  • Vigna-Taglianti F, Vadrucci S, Faggiano F, Burkhart G, Siliquini R, Galanti MR, and the EU-Dap Study Group. Is universal prevention against youths’ substance misuse really universal? Gender-specific effects in the EU-Dap school-based prevention trial. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 2009; 63: 722-728.
  • Faggiano F, Galanti MR, Bohrn K, Burkhart G, Vigna-Taglianti F, Cuomo GL, Fabiani L, Panella M, Perez T, Siliquini R, Van Der Kreeft P, Vassara M, Wiborg G, and the EU-Dap Study Group. The effectiveness of a school-based substance abuse prevention program: EU-Dap cluster randomised controlled trial. Preventive Medicine 2008; 47 (5): 537-543.
  • Galanti MR, Siliquini R, Cuomo GL, Melero JC, Panella M, Faggiano F, and the EU-Dap Study Group. Testing anonymous link procedures for follow-up of adolescents in a school-based trial: The EU-Dap pilot study. Preventive Medicine 2007; 44 (2): 174-177.
  • Faggiano F, Richardson C, Bohrn K, Galanti MR, and the EU-Dap Study Group. A cluster randomized controlled trial of school-based prevention of tobacco, alcohol and drug use: The EU-Dap design and study population. Preventive Medicine 2007; 44(2): 170-173.
  • Vigna-Taglianti F, Alesina M, Donati L, Emelurumonye IN, Mehanović E, Akanidomo I, Pwajok J, Prichard G, van der Kreeft P, Virk HK, and the Unplugged Nigeria Coordination Group. Implementation of the “Unplugged” school-based prevention program in Nigeria: results of process evaluation. African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies 2023; 21 (1-2): 93-106.
  • Vigna-Taglianti F, Alesina M, Damjanović L, Mehanović E, Akanidomo I, Pwajok J, Prichard G, van der Kreeft P, Virk HK, and the Unplugged Nigeria Coordination Group. Effects of the “Unplugged” school-based prevention program on alcohol and marijuana use in Nigeria: A cluster randomized controlled trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2021; 228: 108966.
  • Salgado G, Gaete J, Gana S, Valenzuela D, Araya R. Acceptability, feasibility and fidelity of the culturally adapted version of Unplugged (“Yo Se Lo Que Quiero”), a substance use preventive program among adolescents in Chile: a pilot randomized controlled study. BMC Public Health 2024; 24(1): 2026.
  • https://bmcpublichealth/19499-2
  • Gaete J, Ramírez S, Gana S, Valenzuela D, Araya R. The Unplugged program in Chile (“Yo Sé Lo Que Quiero”) for substance use prevention among early adolescents: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2022; 23(1): 76.
  • Ramírez S, Gana S, Godoy MI, Valenzuela D, Araya R, Gaete J. Validation of the European Drug Addiction Prevention Trial Questionnaire (EU-Dap) for substance use screening and to assess risk and protective factors among early adolescents in Chile. PLoS One 2021; 16(10): e0258288