EU-Dap 2: Disseminating the EU-Dap Results and Best Practices - 2006-2009
Based on results of the phase I, phase II of the project aimed to spread the program and research evaluation in European countries. Poland and the Czech Republic joined the EU-Dap project in 2006. Phase II included the update of the “Unplugged” curriculum based on teacher feedback, and the development of a Guide for successful implementation of Comprehensive Social Influence (CSI) curricula in schools. Czech Republic conducted a replication trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the program.
During the EU-Dap 2 project:
- the EU-Dap program “Unplugged” was revised, based on EU-Dap 1 experience;
- the adoption of the program was extended to new European countries;
- a Guide to disseminate effective prevention programs was created;
- a field study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the dissemination strategies.

The revised program is currently used in dissemination projects. The guide, “Preventing Substance Abuse Among Students”, was addressed to national and local authorities, principals and teachers, providing information on the strategies to implement Social Influence curricula in schools. The Intervention Dissemination Group developed the dissemination guide, and designed the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Guide in increasing the adoption of Social Influence programs in the European schools. The EU-Dap 2 Consortium included the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Poland and the Czech Republic.
Project report
Project final report
The EU-Dap 2 project was granted by the European Commission within the 2005 Program of Community Action in the field of Public Health (Grant #SPC 2005312).