EU-Dap Faculty: European Drug Abuse Prevention Training of Trainers network- 2008-2011
The EU-Dap Faculty was a centrally managed European network of professionals aimed to update and supervise contents and methods of effective delivery of evidence-based drug abuse prevention programs, as Unplugged. The network was based on “master trainers”, one in each involved country. They were responsible for the design and spreading of the training to be delivered to the final providers (teachers in schools).
In school-based programs based on a Comprehensive Social Influence model the interactive training of the teachers is an evidence-based and essential component. Therefore, the trainers have to be trained themselves in a ‘TOT’ concept, and the master trainers must rely on a standardized, evidence based, and high-quality methodology. The Faculty trains the Master trainers in “cluster master training sessions”, and establishes, administers and documents the certification of the training, with specific attention to the standardization measures.
A trainers’ guide for the Training Of Trainers model was developed, to serve the master trainers to recruit, select and train the Unplugged trainers in their countries to train teachers. A significant number of trainers were recruited, selected and trained. A training manual and a detailed outline for the teacher training were composed for use in standardized workshops of two or two and a half days, and requirements for certification of trained teachers was established. A ‘teacher’s workbook’ was developed to enhance the quality of the teachers training. A specific training outline for teachers in leading parent meetings was added to sustain the project outcomes and to enhance the involvement of families in Unplugged.

In order to monitor Unplugged dissemination in the European context, specific tools were developed and included in a protocol. These include 12 forms for monitoring Lessons application, a questionnaire to assess satisfaction of the teachers, and a questionnaire to assess satisfaction of the students with the program. In the course of the EU-Dap Faculty project, the Unplugged program was further evaluated on its effectiveness. Deeper analysis on the existing research data (like mediaton analysis: what exactly makes Unplugged effective?) gave more power to the program components, enlarging the training needs and possibilities. Identification of and factsheets on four other evidence-based programs (Preventure and Adventure; Strengthening Families Program, EmPeCemos, Good Behaviour Game) were identified to be future subject of the TOT network, including a set of criteria for these programs.
The EU-Dap Faculty Consortium included the following countries: Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, and UK. The network activities involved Austria, Poland, Spain and Sweden and the following new countries: Croatia, Cyprus, France, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia, and Slovak Republic.
Research tools
Project report
The EU-Dap Faculty network was granted by the European Commission within by the DG Justice, Freedom and Security (Action Grant 2008-2011#JLS/2007/DPIP-1/21 0227140/00-69).